Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD
Described by Prof Stephanie Brandt MD as "A Major Public Health Service"
"Lilly offers essential tools for managing trauma and is a true lived experience expert in the genre of CPTSD
~ Shannon Thomas LCSW
Sites Sharing My Work
It is so good to see so much of my work, being shared all around the world. This means insight into complex trauma, child abuse, abuse, Complex PTSD and PTSD, are being shared, survivors are being validated and supported, and mental health professionals are gaining information needed to better help their clients and general awareness is being raised.
These are some of the sites, sharing my blogs, articles and work.
Open Forest. Net
The Chamomile Clinic
- http://www.chamomileclinic.co.uk/2015/02/25/inspirational-women-lily-hope-lucario/
The Minds Journal
- https://themindsjournal.com/emotional-flashbacks/
Jane Platner LCSW
- http://janeplattner.com/healing-from-complex-trauma-ptsdcptsd/
Stigma Fighters
- http://stigmafighters.com/lilly-hope-lucario/
Kat Morton.com - http://www.katimorton.com/groups/ptsd/forum/topic/questions-to-ask-potential-therapists-about-treating-compleby-lilly-hope-lucario/
Cluster B Survivors
- http://www.clusterbsurvivor.com/tag/lilly-hope-lucario/
Blogs - Trendolizer
Bethany Kays.com
Memoir Notes
Robert Goldstein
Lynette Davis Author
PTSD - Accepting, Coping, Thriving
Child Abuse Survivor. Net
Swan Waters
- http://swanwaters.com/surviving-vs-thriving/
Blog Of A Mad Black Woman
New Psychology UK
- http://newpsychologyuk.blogspot.com.au/2014/08/lilly-hope-lucario-explains-complex-ptsd.html
Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network, Inc
- http://www.gmhcn.org/files/2016-09-The_Surviving_Spirit_Newsletter_September_2016.pdf
Good reads
Out Of The Fog. Net
Parental Alienation
(This page, will be updated, as more articles and blogs, are shared across other sites).