Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD
Described by Prof Stephanie Brandt MD as "A Major Public Health Service"
"Lilly offers essential tools for managing trauma and is a true lived experience expert in the genre of CPTSD
~ Shannon Thomas LCSW
Including from many Mental Health Professionals

More reviews & feedback emailed, or via Social Media.
"Dear Lilly,
Your website is a major resource for many many people who privately search out this kind of information about trauma and its consequences.
C-PTSD patients are very often misunderstood, misdiagnosed and therefore mistreated by usually well meaning and compassionate mental health professionals.
Unfortunately, in general, there is still very little clinical recognition and understanding of the usual causes : which are chronic exposure to domestic violence, coercive control and child abuse.
Your work shines a very important light on this problem.
In my opinion you are providing a major public health service.
Stephanie Brandt MD"
Clinical Assistant Professor - New York Hospital Weill Cornell , Faculty and Chairman, Ethics Committee - New York Psychoanalytic Institute
Eve Hanley - Therapist
"I often refer clients your way for reading. You normalise and express CPTSD so well it really helps between sessions. So many return feeling your words give them permission to tell their story and have hope."
Angie Simmonton, LCSW
"Ms. Lucario's website offers a wealth of information for Survivors of C-PTSD and for those who support them. She creates a safe place where she "just gets it." She began offering this before the #metoo movement and helped establish the term "Complex PTSD," although it's not yet a DSM diagnosis. I highly recommend following her on all social media platforms for a better understanding of trauma."
Joan Swart Psychologist (Doctorate)
The “Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD” website is a perfect example of a collection of information, blog articles, and book lists dedicated to readers wanting to know more about PTSD. The diagnostic criteria and symptoms of Complex PTSD (CPTSD) and PTSD are covered in detail, including physiological (i.e. fight or flight), emotional, and behavioral responses.
The section containing 15 strategies to help cope with and reduce symptoms of PTSD is, in my opinion, the most valuable to learn and try out practical methods. These include tips and techniques to build resilience, cultivate self-compassion, induce relaxation, manage pain. A wealth of videos is also utilized to demonstrate important principles.
Athena Moberg
Excellent resource. You're SO welcome!
I am so very encouraged by your work and even though we've never met, I feel like I know you... I feel so inspired and blessed to have your website as a resource.
Thank you, Lilly"
Sarah Flynn, MA, MREM, RCC
"I love your Website, keep up the good work".
Shannon Thomas LCSW
Southlake Christian Counseling
“As I put the finishing touches on the book and study guide, I am creating a Resource page to include. There are many books, blogs and social media pages that are great and helping people. When I thought about the different people to ask to be included in the book as a resource, I went to my own bookshelf. I went to my saved social media pages because those are the ones I seek out even if they don’t show in my news feed.
I asked Lilly at Healing From Complex Trauma and Ptsd/cptsd to be included as one of the resources because her website http://www.healingfromcomplextraumaandptsd.com/ is the most thorough and user friendly I have found on the subject of Complex PTSD.
I have been to every page on the site and it is all grounded in clinical truth so people visiting can know that what she is sharing is solid from a mental health perspective. It covers education about Complex PTSD and PTSD. She also writes and shares blogs about living a life of recovery and healing. The website covers the full spectrum of a survivors journey, not just the early stages of despair.
She maintains a vibrant Facebook page with over 30,000 followers because clearly what she is saying resonates with many people.
Lilly is a brave woman who has turned her life story into a driving force to help others with Complex PTSD and PTSD.
Thank you Lilly for everything you do each day ♡”
Cheryl Mlcoch
Counsellor, Trauma Survivor
Podcast @ http://woundedhealer.libsyn.com
I've checked out your website and was VERY impressed with your personal story, tools and offerings! Being a trauma survivor of over 15 major traumas, I know all too well about Complex PTSD and the importance of healing and helping others. I have been an LPC for over 10 years and worked with youth for years before being licensed, and now have a podcast for trauma survivors - helping them nourish self-love. I wanted to personally say how proud I am of you and how you are using your story to help others! Many encouraged me for years not to share my story as well as not be "real" with my clients, but I refused. It has totally been worth it!! I truly wish you the best and look forward to staying connected. If you need my help or guidance in any way or just need to chat, feel free to reach out.
Inspired Counselling
"Big Credits for the work you are doing to help others gain hope with complex trauma / abuse"
Meichell Worthing LPC, NCC
Dear Lilly,
I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor, owner of Lighthouse Counseling and Psychotherapy LLC, and a complex trauma survivor.
Your website and Facebook page are informative, empathic, and "healing hopeful" while maintaining the authenticity of deep honesty we survivors crave.
I am constantly blessed personally and professionally by your posts and resources. I share your site with every survivor I work with as well as my colleagues which includes a large number of human trafficking victim advocates I help train in my region.
Thank you! Be ever blessed in you work and personal journey to wholeness!
Marilyn Brine Gilmour, MSW, LICSW
Natick Counseling and Holistic Therapies
Via email….
“Hello Lilly, I am a trauma therapist and am impressed with your resources! May I link your website to mine? I have a page with trauma resources too and yours adds a lot, especially from the client’s perspective.” &
“Thank you, Lilly! I also found your Facebook page. What a professional and complete body of work you offer to those needing the information and assurance you offer!”
Quoted as an 'Inspirational Woman'
by Sorrell Robbins – Chamomile Clinic, London
"Lily Hope Lucario ‘ I survived a sadistic psychopath & a paedophile psychopath, a couple of abusive sociopaths, and a couple of abusive narcissists, what’s your superpower?’
Lily suffers from complex PTSD and a range of related conditions such as fibromyalgia and depression after experiencing multiple trauma. But she has worked very hard on her healing, and has learnt so much that she is now is now spreading her healing to others.
She inspires and supports survivors of trauma with her writing, communicating her posts on facebook several times a day.
I came across her work last year whilst studying trauma prevention and treatment.
There are other great people writing on this subject but Lily has taught me the most in the shortest space of time, because she keeps it simple and accessible, and I find the information can be integrated into my life on a personal and professional level.
If you have suffered trauma or know some one who has then this website is a great place to start looking at how you can begin to heal, and help those you love to heal too.
From: Carol Lopez, CLC
Happy, Joyous & Free Recovery & Life Coaching
“It is an honor to be asked to write a review of your website.
As a survivor myself, I completely respect what you are doing to help others & support you 100%.
The information you provide helps people suffering from complex trauma understand there is a reason they feel as they do. It helps them connect with their experience at a very deep level. This in turn promotes healing.
You offer a supportive place for people who are feeling very alone, isolated, and may be blaming themselves for what has happened to them. There is no greater support when someone is suffering from an untold number of painful feelings.
I will be recommending your website to my clients, who would benefit tremendously from the information & support you provide.
Keep doing what is clearly your life’s mission."
From: Pete Walker M.A. MFT
Mental Health Professional/Psychotherapist/Author/Survivor
Highly insightful into Complex PTSD, provided feedback on this Website and my work.
I perused your website and it looks great. I commend you for the wonderful work you are doing, and should you ever want to use any of my stuff on your site, please feel free.
It’s great to know you are out there.
Please keep up the great work.
From: Ian Kanbel
Mental Health Advocate & Ambassador/Speaker for Beyond Blue
I have been a mental health advocate for 15 years. I am amazed at both the quality of information and the obvious passion and committtment shown at
to improving the lives of those living with PTSD.
The site covers everything from what is PTSD through complex PTSD and then delivers amazing clear, concise and powerful coping techniques that I am sure will benefit anyone who reads it. The social proof of the value and understanding shown on the site is evident in the massively engaged and supportive communities on Twitter & Facebook.
If you are living with PTSD or are supporting someone diagnosed with PTSD I strongly recommend you check out
www.healingfromcomplextraumaandptsd.com/ ASAP.
Have a look around and a good read. I am 100% certain you will find yourself more educated and informed and better able to deal with all aspects of PTSD.
WEBSITE REVIEW: healingfromcomplextraumaandptsd.wordpress.com
For: Lilly Hope Lucario
From: John Henden BA(Hons), RMN, DipCouns (Univ of Bristol), MBACP, FRSA
This easy-to-navigate website is a great resource for those recovering from PTSD. Created by Lilly Hope Lucario, a fellow survivor, her stated purpose is: “… to assist people in their healing on their complex trauma journey; for those supporting someone they know; or wishing to educate themselves further about complex post-traumatic stress disorder & complex trauma.”
The website is both informative and provides practical advice for survivors around symptom management, such that they can recover and live full and active lives. By way of encouragement for survivors, there are many inspirational pictures and sayings:
“Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor”; and “Either you stay in the shallow end of the pool or you decide to go out into the ocean”; and “Not all wounds are visible… But just because they are unseen, does not make them less painful.“
As a survivor of complex trauma myself (having lived 8 or my 9 lives!), I have been working as a solution focused psychotherapist for survivors or post-traumatic stress and complex trauma for nearly 20 years. I would have no hesitation in recommending this rare website to my clients and other specialist colleagues working in the field.
Lilly is an avid blogger, too, having received over a dozen blog awards and more than a quarter of a million hits to her blog site. Her twitter account (@HealingCPTSD) plays a large role in the overall helping service she provides. Both her blogs and her twitter feed can be accessed via this website.
Currently, Lilly is embarking on writing a book for recoverers entitled, Healing from Complex Trauma and PTSD/CPTSD. If visitors to her website would like to contribute towards the financial cost of this worthy project, there is a ‘Donate’ button on the home page.
John Henden, BA(Hons), RMN, DipCouns (Univ of Bristol), MBACP, FRSA
Therapist, Trainer, Performance Coach & Mental Health Consultant.
Author of: Beating Combat Stress: 101 techniques for recovery
Twitter: @CombatStressFix
From: Joel Schwartz, PsyD
Dear Lilly,
The work you are doing and your website are so very important for sufferers of trauma.
Despite the tendency of our society to view trauma as a collection of symptoms "within" a "disordered" person, I have learned in my work with trauma survivors that three requisites must be met for healing to begin: 1) The victimized needs to feel safe, 2) Trauma needs a relational home - other people must bear witness and hold our traumas, indeed hold us, if we are to begin emerging, and 3) we must find a way to make meaning of our experiences, to be part of something bigger.
Your work and your website provide for all three of the requisites. It can be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for a victimized person to make him or herself vulnerable to a stranger in a strange office.
Your website, coming from the perspective of a fellow survivor, a compatriot, a friend, can aid survivors in a way that a therapist may not be able to, especially as the sufferer is beginning the search for help.
I hope with all my heart that others seek you out and find comfort here. I hope they can find the holding they need in your wisdom, kindness, and compassion. I hope your words reach out, gently caressing and dressing their wounds to make life a little more bearable. I hope they find hope.
-Joel Schwartz, MA, PsyD
Sarah E. Olsen - Author
"I know your website, it's packed with good solid info on complex PTSD."
Gary Jones - Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Psychotherapist
Twitter @JustG62
Referring to my posts "Its good stuff. I love the work connected to trauma, recovery and healing"
Pyschopath Free
Website - www.psychopathfree.com
Via Twitter "Your writting and insights are amazing"
Tweets of mine, shared
and quoted online,
by Prof. G. Cora,
American Psychiatric Association.
July 2014.